Rules and Regulations

For the benefit of all golfers, please follow the rules and regulations which govern the use of the facilities at Crossgates Golf Club.

These rules are subject to change at any time and without notice.

General Golf Course Rules

  • It is in your best interest to book a tee time, either online or by calling the pro shop. Online tee times are available with no fees. You will pay at the course when you arrive for your tee time.
  • If you can’t honor your tee time, call the pro shop to cancel.
  • Groups should arrive at least 10 minutes prior to their tee time. Groups that arrive late may have their tee time cancelled and will be moved to the next open tee time.
  • All golfers are required to have their own set of clubs. Rental clubs are available.
  • Fivesomes are not permitted at any time unless authorized by the golf course staff prior to starting.
  • All play starts on #1 unless otherwise directed by the golf shop staff
  • PROPER ATTIRE required at all times. Men: Shirts with sleeves, no tank tops, muscles shirts or cut off shorts. Women: No bikini tops, no short shorts, sleeveless shirts are OK for women. Soft Spikes only.
  • Golfers are responsible for any damage to golf carts and adjoining properties!
  • Please observe proper golf etiquette: Replace divots, rake sand traps, fix ball marks, follow cart rules for the day and don’t be a hacking wratchet! (See sign on the first tee)


Alcoholic Beverages

  • Pennsylvania Liquor Laws prohibits alcoholic beverages from being brought onto the property. Alcohol must be furnished from our restaurant, Copper Hill Public House.
  • Violators are subject to beverages being confiscated and possible removal from our facility without a refund.


Pace of Play

  • All groups are required to keep pace on the golf course. The pace of play standard is no more than 2 hours and 15 minutes for 9 holes and 4 hours and 30 minutes for 18 holes.
  • Slow groups who fall behind will be asked to pick up the pace. If you continue to fall behind, your group will be asked to skip holes to get back into position with the group ahead. A third warning will result in being asked to come back at a less busy time and you will receive credit for the holes you did not complete.
  • Please play READY GOLF! It is your responsibility to keep pace with the group ahead of you. Your position on the course is to be directly behind the group ahead of you, NOT ahead of the group behind you.
  • Rainchecks are not given for slow or bad play. Rainchecks are only given when requested during inclement weather and at the golf shop’s discretion.

Golf Cart Rules

  • You MUST be 18 years old and have a valid driver’s license to rent a golf cart.
  • Golf carts may not be taken off of Crossgates GC property. Do not drive in adjoining yards/properties to look for your golf ball.
  • A maximum of 2 people per golf cart.
  • Golfers are permitted two golf carts per group. Golfers are not entitled to their own golf cart and MUST ride with another player when requested.
  • Non golfers riding along must pay a cart fee of $10.
  • Observe the daily golf cart rules at all times.
  • Keep carts away from all tees and greens.
  • Operation of a golf cart is at the risk of the operator! The operator will be held responsible for any and all damages resulting from misuse.
  • Please return all golf carts to the cart return area. (Follow signs)
  • If you disobey the golf cart rules your golf cart/playing privileges may be revoked without warning.

Practice Facility Rules

  • Please hit only purchased golf balls from Crossgates Golf Club. You are not permitted to bring your own balls. Violators can be charged a large bucket fee if caught hitting their own balls.
  • Please hit from designated areas, which is between the ropes on the driving range
  • Range balls and baskets are NOT to be removed from the range for any reason
  • Do not go forward of the ropes to retrieve range balls. Once your bucket is empty, its empty!